Tag Archives: punggol promenade

Punggol Promenade – Faraway and Near Views of Punggol Point Walk and Nature Walk

A while back, I posted this article – Punggol Promenade : Punggol Point Walk to Riverside Walk. A bit more information and pictures as taken from Punggol Beach and Coney Island.

Punggol Promenade is still barricaded but a walk along the right side of Punggol Beach reveals some views of the area. Yesterday I was at Coney Island and the photos taken from there show another side view of the Punggol Point Walk to the Nature Walk

Here’s the map for easy reference. Click for larger view.

serangoon reservoir

Punggol Promenade Coastal Walk

How to Get to Punggol Beach

By Bus : Important Notice Bus No. 82 no longer go to Punggol Beach (end of Punggol Road). Bus No. 82 now ends at Punggol Bus Interchange. From Punggol Interchange, take Bus No. 84 to reach Punggol Beach.

By MRT : Stop at Punggol MRT, go to Punggol Bus Interchange, then take Bus No. 84.

Punggol Promenade – Punggol Beach, Jetty and Punggol Point Walk

Here is the Punggol Promenade signboard on the right side of Punggol Beach – entrance to the Coastal Walk.

Punggol Promenade

Entrance to Punggol Promenade at Punggol Beach

Punggol, Jetty

Entrance to Punggol Jetty

Punggol Jetty

Fishing at Punggol Jetty

Punggol Beach

Punggol Beach with a view of the Viewing Gallery

The Boardwalk at Punggol Promenade Punggol Point Walk

punggol promenade

Railing at Punggol Promenade Jetty Point Walk

Punggol Promenade Boardwalk

Punggol Promenade Boardwalk - facing Coney Island

Views of Punggol Beach and Punggol Point Walk as viewed from Coney Island

punggol promenade

Jetty Point Walk shoreline as viewed from Coney Island

Punggol Beach

Punggol Promenade - viewing boardwalk along Jetty Point Walk


Red Bridge

Coney Island West Dam

Coney Island West Dam

Start of Punggol Promenade Nature Walk

After the Coney Island West Dam, the track for Nature Walk begins. The circular viewing gallery design is similar to the one seen at Punggol Reservoir dam.

serangoon reservoir

Viewing Gallery at at Nature Walk facing Serangoon Reservoir

nature walk view

Serangoon Reservoir - between Coney Island and Punggol Promenade Nature Walk

For those going on the CSC Walk @Punggol Promenade on 9 September 2011, have fun! I will have a closer look during the weekends.


Posted by on September 4, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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Photographing Sunrise at Lorong Halus Wetland

Though it can be a struggle in the morning, I prefer to photograph sunrise rather than sunset at Lorong Halus Wetland. One reason – there is lesser crowd. Another – such a beautiful feeling to breathe in the cool air. The changing light is much more drastic in the early morning. Always good to have the camera ready.

Usually the sunrise can be seen from across the Serangoon Reservoir, on the trees edges and shoreline of the Lorong Halus Wetland.

This was taken about 6.50am.

lorong halus wetland

Sunrise at Serangoon Reservoir - taken from Punggol Promenade Riverside Walk

It was still dark and the sky darken shortly after taking this picture. It was like a torchlight had been switched off. Five minutes later, this scene came about.

lorong halus wetland

A deeper sunrise at Serangoon Reservoir

Like a light had been turned on. The red hue stayed a wee bit longer this time.

At another morning, the sunrise was more a golden yellow than the red hue.

lorong halus wetland

Golden Sunrise at Lorong Halus Wetland

But yesterday, it was a different story and completely opposite sunrise condition in the morning.

Instead of the golden or red hue coming from the direction of Lorong Halus Wetland, it came from the opposite direction – Punggol Waterway. This was about 7:00am.

Punggol Waterway

Sunrise at Punggol Waterway

Even after lingering for a while, couldn’t see the sun at all. Just golden red clouds and the greyish blue clouds.

It is always a surprise and delight to photograph the scenes in this area. I never get bored because every single day is a different story.

As they say – find the light! Happy shooting!


Posted by on August 21, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore


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Coney Island Opposite Punggol Promenade Nature Walk

The barricade is still there today next to the red bridge to Lorong Halus Wetland. Looks like construction works are still on-going and should be finished before 9 September 2011 in time for the CSC Walk @Punggol Promenade.

Ventured over the green fence today to have a closer look. Here are the pictures. Sand and cranes dotted the landscape along the Nature Walk route of Punggol Promenade as viewed from the shoreline of Coney Island, next to the Serangoon Reservoir East Dam. At the end of the stones shoreline, the purple morning glory plants grow in abundance along the sandy shoreline. Mimosa plants also grow along edges of the shoreline.

I wonder if the Nature/Rustic Park that will be opened in Coney Island will be at the other end of the shoreline, maybe nearer towards the Jetty Point side.

The other side view of Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

coney island shoreline

Coney Island stone edges from Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

Coney Island Greenery

mimosa flowers

Mimosa Plant

punggol promenade nature walk

Morning Glory Plants along the sandy shoreline of Coney Island

Construction works on-going along Punggol Prominade Nature Walk

Related Posts on Coney Island & Punggol Promenade
Punggol Promenade : Jetty Point Walk to Riverside Walk
Recap on Singapore Coney Island
Exploring Coney Island, Singapore


Posted by on August 20, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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Path to Serangoon Reservoir East Dam and Coney Island

Views along the way to Serangoon Reservoir East Dam and Coney Island

This post is for anyone who has not been here before and wish to come here. The starting point is Lorong Halus Wetland. For various links and photos on Lorong Halus Wetland and how to get there, click here.

Facing the red bridge at Serangoon Reservoir, you see this view of the entrance to Lorong Halus Wetland.

Entrance to Lorong Halus Wetland facing the red bridge

If coming from Pasir Ris Farmway 3, you get this view when entering Lorong Halus Wetland. Turn right at the end of the road and go to the front entrance as shown in the above picture.

Lorong Halus Wetland on the right

Follow the gravel path as shown below. Easy to see which path because the path in the opposite direction is barricaded. Follow the river bank. Wear steady shoes as the gravel path is rather uneven and gets muddy after the rain.

lorong halus wetland

Sunrise when birds are active

Gravel Path to Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

Early morning, birds are flying about and tiny flies dance in the air searching for food. The best part of early sunrise, there are lesser people about.

serangoon reservoir dam

Sunrise at Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

Some mornings, the sunrise is simply spectacular.

The path back to Lorong Halus Wetland at sunrise

Mid morning at Serangoon Reservoir East Dam Path

These are favourite spots for birdwatchers. For those on bicycles, follow the reservoir edge and push the bike over the slight incline next to the fence. If you cross over further on the right side, there is a drain there. Be prepared to carry your bike across and be careful not to fall.

Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

After crossing the grass field, you see this tar road in front of the dam.

Road at Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

The road leads to Pasir Ris. There is a barricade there. For those on bicycles, slide under or at the sides, then turn right to either return to Lorong Halus Wetland or back home to Pasir Ris and beyond.

Serangoon Reservoir East Dam

For those heading to Coney Island, follow the green railing to the end of the road and climb over.

Hope you find your way here. Have fun!


Posted by on August 17, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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Recap on Singapore Coney Island

My pc can’t connect to the web so using my mobile to post. A brief recap of photos of Coney Island in Singapore. There will be a wilderness park here with basic facilities. Going by past visuals – a campsite near the shore.

serangoon reservoir

Close up of Punggol Promenade opposite Coney Island

Late Evening at Coney Island Beach

Fishing at Serangoon West Dam and Coney Island

Pulau Ubin as viewed from Coney Island Forest Trail

Coney Island Beach

1 Comment

Posted by on August 16, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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Punggol Promenade : Punggol Point Walk to Riverside Walk

CSC Walk @Punggol Promenade – 9 September 2011 (4.30pm – 7pm)

I received an email today about CSC Walk @Punggol Promenade on Friday, 9 September 2011. Free for Public Officers and PUB Staff. From 4.30am to 7pm. Starting point from Punggol Point at Punggol Beach Jetty. Registration close on 19 August 2011. For more details, click here : CSC Walk @Punggol Promenade

Before the official opening of Punggol Promenade, let’s have a recap of what had been photographed before.

Punggol Promenade Map (from

serangoon reservoir

Punggol Promenade Coastal Walk

Click on picture for enlarge view.

Punggol Point Walk (1.2km)

The Punggol Point Walk stretching 1.2km from the Punggol Jetty to the Serangoon West Dam offers scenic seaview of Johor and the shoreline of Coney Island. At that time, the place looked completed but we were barred from entering.

Punggol Jetty

Viewing Platform at Punggol Jetty

Punggol Promenade at Punggol Point

Nature Walk from Punggol Point Punggol Promenade

Nature Walk (2.4km)

This nature walk starts/ends from the Serangoon West Dam to the second bridge of the waterway along the banks of Serangoon Reservoir/Sungei Serangoon. Have a closer look of Coney Island shoreline. From the map, there are shelters and fishing decks along the way. These pictures were taken from the Serangoon East Dam and Lorong Halus Wetland gravel trail.

Punggol promenade

Bridge at Nature Walk, Punggol Promenade

Sunset at Serangoon Reservoir

Punggol Promenade

Punggol Promenade Nature Walk

coney island

Nature Park at Punggol Promenade

Red Bridge to Lorong Halus Wetland

Sunrise at Lorong Halus Wetland on Sunday Morning

Riverside Walk (1.3km)

Reflection in Serangoon Reservoir

Sunset at Jalan Halus Wetland

Twilight at Lorong Halus Wetland

Coming Soon

Looking forward to the opening of these places. A great way to get close to nature with groups of friends, family or just spend time alone.

Related Posts
Punggol Promenade – Faraway and Near Views of Punggol Point Walk and Nature Walk


Posted by on August 15, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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Punggol Waterway at Serangoon Reservoir

These pictures were taken over a period of several months from May to July 2011. Earlier, I had shown pictures of the Punggol Waterway near the Punggol Reservoir. This time around are pictures taken at the Serangoon Reservoir end, where the red bridge leads to Lorong Halus Wetland.

There are barricades at the Punggol Promenade next to the red bridge. So there is no close up pictures of the inner works progression just yet. Hopefully things are progressing up to speed. Even on Sundays, I see construction works going on.

Map (click for larger view)

serangoon reservoir

Map at entrance of red bridge to Lorong Halus Wetland

Punggol Waterway at Serangoon Reservoir

serangoon reservoir

Punggol Waterway at Serangoon Reservoir

seranggon reservoir

Punggol Waterway at Serangoon Reservoir

punggol promenade

Punggol Waterway at Serangoon Reservoir

serangoon reservoir

Vertical Landscape of Punggol Waterway, Serangoon Reservoir

Close up of circular bridge at Punggol Waterway, Serangoon Reservoir

near sunset punggol waterway

Close to sunset at Punggol Waterway, Serangoon Reservoir


Vertical view of Circular Bridge at Punggol Waterway, Serangoon Reservoir

The circular bridge here is of similar design to the one at Punggol Reservoir. There is another bridge as seen in the photo below – still under construction.

Another bridge being built at Punggol Promenade

Sunset viewed from Lorong Halus Wetland

lorong halus wetland

Sunset at Lorong Halus Wetland


Sunset at Serangoon Reservoir

Punggol Promenade near Serangoon Reservoir Dam Opposite Coney Island

opposite coney island

Punggol Promenade Opposite Coney Island

punggol promenade

Punggol Promenade viewed from Serangoon Reservoir Dam

serangoon reservoir

Close up of Punggol Promenade opposite Coney Island

The whitish column on the left frame is the Punggol Promenade. Great view for a nature walk and a cycling track. Opposite is Coney Island. The danger signs on the boays are wonderful resting places for birds. In this picture, there is a bird perching there.

Sunset at Serangoon Reservoir Dam

lorong halus wetland

Sunset at Serangoon Reservoir Dam

punggol promenade

Serangoon Reservoir Dam at Sunset

The red streaks will appear from 7.15pm onwards. So don’t be in a hurry to leave just yet. Even after 7.30pm, the sunset lingers and twilight appears. On that particular day, there is almost an aurora like appearance to that sunset. Those two streaks in the above picture I am too sure what they are, certainly not dust. Could be birds streaking by. Those pictures are taken at the water’s edge. If you are there, don’t be surprise to hear sudden loud splashing sounds – there are fishes in the water.

Haven’t been there in August. Will see if there is time during the weekends. Enjoy the pictures!

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Posted by on August 13, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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Punggol Promenade – 3 Different Views

In photography terms “Let There Be Light” is a popular catchphrase to illustrate the importance of light. As an example, below are three different photos taken at the same place – Punggol Promenade. The amount of light at different times of the day can really transform the same location.

This was about 7.30am. Mist shrouded the landscape and the sunrise left a golden glow on the grassland.

Sunrise at Punggol Promenade

Early Morning
About two hours later, the change in landscape. Grey clouds appeared and not long after, it started to rain.

Early Morning at Punggol Promenade

Late Evening
After the rain, late in the evening about 6pm, a beautiful sky with amazing clouds formation gave a contrasting landscape as compared to the morning scenery.

Late Evening at Punggol Promenade

The advantage to visit a place regularly at different times of the day, you get to see the various scenery and changing lights due to the weather. Try it at your home place and observe the various changing landscape.

Have a great weekend!


Posted by on June 10, 2011 in photography, postaday2011, singapore, Travel


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